Natural Glowing Skin Tips At Home

Natural Glowing Skin Tips

"Natural Glowing Skin Tips". Glowing and dewy skin never goes out of fashion. You can even skip makeup if you want to look like some of the beautiful ladies of thetinsel town, who go muck free even when they are under the spotlight 24 hours a day!

So what gives them the confidence to go completely makeup free? The confidence, of course, stems from the fact that they have great skin. You aren’t just born with great skin, you have to work hard for it.

You don’t have time to indulge in pampering your skin for hours, is what you keep telling yourself and skip your skincare regime, but the truth is that you don’t have to spend hours on your skin to make it look radiant and beautiful.

A few minutes every day will do just fine. It’s not just what you put on your skin, but also what you eat. Your lifestyle is responsible for you having great skin or otherwise. So what are some of the lifestyle changes that can give you radiant skin?

Natural Glowing Skin Tips at Home

A Few Changes in Your Lifestyle to Get Great Skin

If you think that just slathering copious amounts of your expensive cream bought from the fancy beauty store will do the trick, you thought wrong!

It won’t do you any good, and tricks that will work for you and make your skin glow. Here is what you should be doing, and if you are not, start right now!

Eat Right

Okay, it’s a statement that’s been bandied about for ages but it still holds true! You need to up your antioxidant quotient by having fruits like avocados, blueberries, guava, pineapple, papaya, and kiwi and so on.

It helps you protect your skin from free radical damage. Also, you need to ditch the sugary stuff, it breaks down your collagen and elastin level, giving your skin a dull and ashen appearance.


Have you ever eyed those citrusy scrubs lying on the shelves of shops and resisted buying them, because you thought that your skin does not really need it?

In fact, scrubbing helps slough off the dead skin cells which accumulate on your skin on a daily basis, robbing the glow from your skin. Think those are far too expensive? Stick with us and we will give you some wonderful solutions to give your skin that elusive glow.

Hydrate Your Skin

Choosing a good moisturizer is as difficult as say, choosing the perfect pair of jeans! You have to go through several trials and errors before you find the right one.

Look for a moisturizer which has vitamin C, and makes sure it absorbs into your skin really well, giving a non-oily feel. Choose the one best suited for your skin from the options galore.

Exercise- Exercise is not only about doing boring cardio at the gym to lose weight, but to also give you a flushed appearance and glow which sometimes even your expensive highlighter fails to bring.

Maybe your scale won’t budge in hurry, but your glowing skin and new found confidence more than makeup for not dropping the pounds quickly.

Drink More Water

The more water you drink, the more toxins you will be able to get rid of. This will bring an unmistakable glow to your skin. Eight glasses a day is what is usually recommended, but you can drink more if you want; your skin will certainly thank you for it.

Get sleep- Like your body, your skin needs rest to recover at the cellular level. If you miss out on adequate sleep, it will cause a water imbalance, leading to puffy eye bags and under-eye circles, as well as age spots and wrinkles.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

If you have already started exercising, choosing your broccoli over your pasta, and remembering to drink more water, you should think of going the extra mile to get that glow.

Try these ultra-effective face packs and natural glowing skin tips at hometo make you look radiant every time you steal a look in a mirror! It is a different kind of feeling altogether when your best buddies and not so great buddies shower you with compliments, isn’t it?

Don’t blame us if you get too enamored by yourself, and spend time staring at the mirror!

Natural Glowing Skin Tips

1. Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil

If you want a paraben free alternative to your jar of moisturizer, there isn’t anything better than virgin cold-pressed coconut oil.

The essential fatty acids in the oil make your dry skin look soft and supple. If you are trying to explore more about glowing skin, then this should be your go-to moisturizer.

The Ingredients you will need-Cold pressed virgin coconut oil.


Lightly warm the oil, and massage it with circular strokes on your skin. Let it stay overnight so that the oil seeps into the skin. This you can do every night before hitting the sack. In fact, it has replaced my regular moisturizer, yes it is that good!

2. Tomato Face Pack

The lycopene in tomato is rich in antioxidants, helping to slough away free radicals. This pack also contains brown sugar to exfoliate your skin.

The ingredients you will need:

  • 1 organic tomato
  • 2 tsp. brown sugar
  • ½ tsp. honey

Squash a tomato in a bowl, and mix in the brown sugar and honey. Apply it to your face. Let the pack stay for ten minutes. Rinse off with water, scrubbing your face with gentle strokes.

3. Papaya Glow Mask

Papaya contains papain, which exfoliates your skin gently and effectively. It works on the upper layer, revealing fresh and younger looking skin.

The Fuller’s earth absorbs the oil and dirt of the skin, whereas the honey is a natural moisturizer that makes your skin feel baby-soft. The gentle exfoliation ensures that your skin starts glowing as soon as you rinse off the pack and pat dry.

The ingredients you will need:

  • A few slices of ripe papaya.
  • 1 teaspoon Fuller’s earth.
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Take a ripe papaya, cut it into pieces and blend in the Fuller’s earth and the honey. Apply it generously to your face and neck. Enjoy a twenty-minute nap with the pack on.

You can also put slices of cucumber on your eyelids and relax. Rinse off with cool water. You will then get a fresh-scrubbed feeling, not unlike the one you have after an invigorating facial.


Now that you know what exactly to do to get fresh glowing skin, start right away! Armed with these super-effective face packs and some great lifestyle tips, your skin will look as good as new; fresh, scrubbed and glowing. Beauty is, as they say, is skin deep.

We won’t debate about the fact whether it is really true, but what really holds true is this statement from Coco Chanel - “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.” We agree, completely!

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